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News Media ResourcesHere you can read FMARS-related press releases and bulletins from the Mars Society as well as link to articles from the independent media. All press inquiries should be relayed through Kevin Sloan (contact info below).
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Press Releases:Four Month Arctic Simlulation Mission A Success!
Media Advisory - Future Space Explorers Connect
Historic 4-Month Arctic Mars Simulation Mission Reaches Midpoint; Crew to Switch to Mars Time
FMARS 2007 Crew Reaches Devon Island; To Begin Four-Month Mars Simulation Mission Soon
FMARS 2007 Crew Training Mission At Mars Desert Research Station
Crew Chosen For FMARS 2007 Mission
Four-Month Mars Simulation at Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Announced
Media CoverageListed chronologically with newest media coverage at top
- Honolulu Advertiser, Mark Doyle (3 October 2007): "Kaneohe resident returns from 'Mars'". Available online, last accessed October 6, 2007. URL: http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2007710030326
- Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Helen Altonn (27 September 2007): "UH professor sets sights on Mars". Available online, last accessed October 4, 2007. URL: http://starbulletin.com/2007/09/27/news/story08.html
- Toronto Star, Patty Winsa (28 August 2007): "Great white (far) north stands in for red planet". Available online, last accessed August 28, 2007. URL: http://www.thestar.com/sciencetech/Science/article/250467
- The Record, Barbara Aggerholm (22 August 2007): "Looks like Mars, feels like Mars...Meet Melissa the Martian; Nunavut's polar desert simulates Red Planet for local researcher". Available online, last accessed 22 August 2007. URL: http://news.therecord.com/News/CanadaWorld/article/231567
- Le Journal de Saint-Bruno, Charline-Eve Pilon (11 August 2007): "Mission sur Mars... en Arctique". Available online, last accessed 11 Aug 2007. URL: http://www.hebdos.net/jsb/edition332007/articles.asp?article_id=179663
- Nunatsiaq News, John Thompson (3 August 2007): "Where adults play spacemen". Available online, last accessed 3 August 2007. URL: http://www.nunatsiaq.com/news/nunavut/70803_382.html
- The Daily Gleaner. Melissa Battler: One Small Step "The vittles are not so bad in outer space". Available online, last accessed 2 August 2007. URL: http://dailygleaner.canadaeast.com/search/article/42007
- Voice of America, Rosanne Skirble, (July 3l, 2007): "US-Canadian Team on 4-Month Simulated Mars Mission". URL: http://www.voanews.com/english/AmericanLife/2007-07-31-voa38.cfm
- Voice of America reprint, Rosanne Skirble, (July 31, 2007): "US-Canadian Team on 4-Month Simulated Mars Mission". URL: http://www.marsdaily.com/reports/US_Canadian_Team_On_4_Month_Simulated_Mars_Mission_999.html
- University of Quebec article July 30, 2007 "Simulation of a mission of exploration on the planet Mars". URL: http://services.uqo.ca/UQO.Publication.ExploraPub/index.aspx?cdmediapubli=INSTI&cdtypepubli=NOUV&nopubli=2873&periode=2007-07-30|2007-08-06
- Canada.com, CanWest News Service, Charles Mandel (19 July 2007): "Student lives on Martian Time for summer job". Available online, last accessed 2 August 2007 URL: http://www.canada.com/topics/technology/science/story.html?id=4aed5bff-73bc-4abe-b54c-55daa0b1711dandk=74142
- Ka Leo O Hawaii, Tracy Chan (18 July 2007): "UH Manoa Professor lives near Arctic Circle, studies living condition similar to Mars". Available online, last accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://kalamakua.org/community/kaleo07182007.html
- World News reprint of CanWest article: http://article.wn.com/view/2007/07/19/Summer_job_has_woman_living_on_Martian_time/?template=cheetah-article%2Fdisplayarticle.txt
- Amherst Daily News, Jennifer Dunville (18 July 2007): "UNB students heads simulated Mars mission in Canada's Arctic". Available online, last accessed 2 August 2007. URL: http://www.amherstdaily.com/index.cfm?sid=45569andsc=58
- Daily Gleaner, Jennifer Dunville (18 July 2007): "UNB students heads simulated Mars mission in Canada's Arctic".
- Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick (16 July 2007): "UNB geology student leads Arctic Mars mission as crew switches to Mars time". Available online, last accessed 3 August 2007. URL: http://www.apegnb.ca/e/news/details.php?id=357
- RASC Calgary Centre - Sky Highlight, by Don Hladiuk (May 2007): "A 4 Month Simulated Mars to Begin in Northern Canada". URL: http://calgary.rasc.ca /hilit0705.htm
- UW Imprint, Brendan Pinto (June 29, 2007): "Preparing to explore Mars in Canadian Arctic". URL: http://imprint.uwaterloo.ca/mambo/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1532&Itemid=59
- Almaguin Forester News, Rob Learn (30 March 2007): "Look Beyond: Future Astronaut Tells students to dream big - really big!".
- Daily Camera, Laura Snider (8 July 2007): "Mission simulates life on Mars: Arctic adventurers add 39 minutes to their days". Available online, last accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2007/jul/08/mission-simulates-life-on-mars/
- Honolulu Advertiser, no byline given (6 July 2007): "UH scientist's Arctic Mars mission reaches midpoint". Available online, last accessed 1 August 2007. URL: http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2007/Jul/06/br/br2907148365.html
- Le Soleil, Jean-François Cliche (20 June 2007): "Ma vie sur Mars: tel un astronaute". Available online, last accessed 31 July 2007. URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070620/CPSOLEIL/70619213/5019/CPSOLEIL
- Guelph Mercury, Magda Konieczna (5 June 2007): "Preparing for the Red Planet: U of G student Matt Bamsey is spending his summer imagining life off Earth".
- Toronto Star, Joseph Hall (28 April 2007): "On top of the world: Sights set on Mars". Available online, last accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://www.thestar.com/article/208278
- Le Soleil, Jean-François Cliche (23 April 2007): "Entre Mars et Terre". Available online, last accessed 31 July 2007. URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070423/CPSOLEIL/70423222/6584/CPSOLEIL
- Le Soleil, Jean-François Cliche (23 April 2007): Cover page of "Entre Mars et Terre".
- Honolulu Advertiser, Advertiser Staff (22 April 2007): "UH scientist chosen for simulated mission to Mars". Available online, last accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2007/Apr/22/br/br2109547638.html
- Honolulu Advertiser, Mary Vorsion (22 April 2007): "Off on a mission to Mars on Earth". Available online, last accessed 1 August 2007. URL: http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2007/Apr/22/ln/FP704220327.html
- Honolulu Star Bulletin, Helen Altonn (21 April 2007): "UH professor heads up to Mars, Canada: An Arctic island will simulate conditions on the red planet". Available online, last accessed 21 April 2007. URL: http://starbulletin.com/2007/04/21/news/story09.html
- Maple Ridge Times, Jennifer Moreau (April 2007). Was available online at http://www.mrtimes.com/issues07/044207/community/044207co1.html, now offline.
- 24 Hours, Sophie Nicholls (28 March 2007): "The next best thing to Mars". Available online, last accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://toronto.24hrs.ca/News/2007/03/28/3852251-sun.html
- Daily Camera, Dan Ray (12 February 2007): "Training for Mars missions on Earth: Research station prepares crews for interplanetary exploration". Available online, last accessed 2 August 2007. URL: http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2007/feb/12/training-for-mars-missions-on-earth/
- At Guelph, Andrew Vowles (7 January 2007): "My favourite martian digs". Available online, last accessed 2 August 2007. URL: http://www.uoguelph.ca/atguelph/07-01-17/profile.shtml
- Today's Local News, Angela Holman (3 Jan 1007): "Mission to Mars: Oceanside woman to join four-month simulation in the Arctic". Available online, last accessed 31 July 2007. URL: http://www.todayslocalnews.com/?sect=tlnandp=2436
- North County Times, Tom Morrow (2 Jan 2007): "Two MiraCostans get four months on Mars". Available online, last accessed 31 July 2007. URL: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2007/01/04/news/columnists/tom_morrow/20_07_211_3_07.txt
- VSD, Le Premier hebdo Francais. Vincent Nuyrigat (29 August 2007): "LA VIE COMME SUR MARS dans le Grand Nord canadien"/"Life LIke On Mars in the Great Canadian North", pp.72-74. Photo credit: Nadav Neuhaus (World Picture Network). Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
- Aviation Week, Loretta Whitesides (30 August 2007): "Ryan Kobrick: This Week's Face to Watch." Available online, last accessed 30 August 2007. URL: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/space/index.jsp?plckController=Blog&plckScript=blogScript&plckElementId=blogDest&plckBlogPage=BlogViewPost&plckPostId=Blog%3a04ce340e-4b63-4d23-9695-d49ab661f385Post%3ad09ce8fb-e8aa-4500-b043-ec2353c95062
- InformationWeek, K.C. Jones (24 August 2007): "Space Cadet School: Months In The Arctic Simulates Living On Mars. Seven students spend 101 days in the Arctic to simulate a trip to Mars and help prepare for future space exploration." Available online, last accessed 25 August 2007. URL: http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=201802033
- Russia Profile, Shaun Walker (6 August 2007): "Red Planet? New Impetus in Space Exploration". Available online, last accessed 7 August 2007. URL: http://www.russiaprofile.org/page.php?pageid=International&articleid=a1186407643
- Discover, Bruno Maddox (21 June 2007): "The Make-Believe Mars: Deep in the Utah desert, there is a place where earthlings practice being Martians in the hope of a future home on the Red Planet". Blinded by Science. Available online, last accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://discovermagazine.com/2007/jul/blinded-by-science
- CBC Morning Show (27 August 2007): "Life on Mars". Host Heather Hiscox interview with Ryan Kobrick live in Toronto studio. Video on file.
- CBC NewsWorld Weekend Edition (26 August 2007): "Life on the Red Planet". Host Lynne Robson interview with Ryan Kobrick live in Toronto studio. Video on file.
- CBC Morning Show (11 May 2007): "Out of this world". Host Heather Hiscox interview with Ryan Kobrick live via satellite phone. Video on file.
- Réseau de l'information — RDI (25 April 2007). Dominique Poirier en Direct. Host Dominique Poirier interview with Simon Auclair live TV interview across Canada. Available online (~11.4MB Windows Media file).
- CBC Radio-Canada (25 April 2007). TV News host Philippe Leblanc recorded interview with Simon Auclair. Available online (~4.4MB Windows Media file).
- CBC NewsWorld Weekend Edition (31 March 2007): "Martian exposure". Host Andrew Nichols interview with Ryan Kobrick live in Toronto studio. Video on file.
- CBC Radio Canada (27 March 2007): Interview at Toronto City Hall with Ryan Kobrick and Melissa Battler (Toronto channel 12 news - french).
- Réseau de l'information — RDI (25 March 2007). RDI Junior. URL: http://ms.radio-canada.ca/2007/medianet/RDI2/RDI200703281745_1.wmv
Newspaper Cartoon
- Le Soleil, André-Philippe Côté (25 April 2007): Political Cartoon.
- CBC Breakaway Radio Show (26 October 2007): Host Jackie Czernin intervies Simon Auclair (available online - 1.7MB, Windows Media Audio).
- Earth & Sky (4 October 2007): "What would you eat on Mars?". Last accessed October 6, 2007. URL: http://www.earthsky.org/radioshows/51825/mars-food
- Earth & Sky (4 October 2007): "Simulating 100 days on Mars". Last accessed October 6, 2007. URL: http://www.earthsky.org/radioshows/51824/100-days-on-mars-lindsay
- Voice of America (4 September 2007): "Scientists And Space Enthusiasts Share Vision For Mars". Last accessed September 6, 2007. URL: http://www.voanews.com/english/2007-09-04-voa69.cfm
- NPR Science Friday (31 August 2007): "Simulating Mars". Last accessed September 10, 2007. URL: http://www.sciencefriday.com/pages/2007/Aug/hour1_083107.html(MP3 Download)
- CBC Radio Yellowknife (24 July 2007). Interview with host Dave Miller on "The Trailbreaker" with Melissa Battler live via phone.
- CBC Radio New Brunswick (?). Interview host Paul Castle on "SHIFT" with Melissa Battler pre-recorded via phone. URL: www.cbc.ca/shift
- Voice of America (13 July 2007). Host interview Rosanne Skirble with Matt Bamsey and Melissa Battler. Available online, last accessed 1 August 2007. URL: http://www.voanews.com/english/AmericanLife/2007-07-31-voa38.cfm
- CBC Breakaway Radio Show (24 July 2007). Host Jackie Czernin interview via satellite phone with Simon Auclair. Listen Online (~3.6MB .wav file)
- CBC Ontario Northeastern (19 June 2007). Interview with Matt Bamsey. Sudbury, Ontario.
- CBC Ontario Morning (11 June 2007). Host interview Wei Chen with Matt Bamsey. Toronto, Ontario.
- The Hawk. (25 April 2007): Interview with Melissa Battler. URL: http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/news/podcasts/2007April25_MelissaBattler_MarsWalker.mp3
- CBC Breakaway Radio Show (19 April 2007). Host Jackie Czernin live studio interview with Simon Auclair. Listen Online (~4.3MB .wav file)
- Green Majority Radio Show (17 March 2007). Interview with Ryan Kobrick and Melissa Battler. University of Toronto, station 89.5 FM.
- CBC Radio Saint John, NB (27 March 2007). Interview with Melissa Battler live via phone.
- CBC Radio Calgary (27 March 2007). Host Jeff Collins interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio Vancouver (27 March 2007). Host Priya Ramu interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio Toronto (27 March 2007). Host Matt Galloway interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio Regina (27 March 2007). Host Colin Grewar interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio Thunder Bay (27 March 2007). Host Gerald Graham and Heather McLeod interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio Victoria (27 March 2007). Host Jo-Ann Roberts interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio Windsor (27 March 2007). Host Barbara Peacock interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio Edmonton (27 March 2007). Host Peter Brown interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio Winnipeg (27 March 2007). Host Margaux Watt interview with Ryan Kobrick live via phone.
- CBC Radio St. John's, NB (27 March 2007). Interview with Melissa Battler live via phone.
- CBC Radio Halifax, NS (27 March 2007). Interview with Melissa Battler live via phone.
- CBC Radio Yellowknife (27 March 2007). Interview with Melissa Battler live via phone.
- CBC Radio Ottawa (27 March 2007). Interview with Melissa Battler live via phone.
- CBC Radio Whitehorse (27 March 2007). Interview with Melissa Battler live via phone.
- CBC Radio Quebec City (28 March 2007). Interview with Melissa Battler live via phone.
Other Sources
- CBC Documentary (30 October 2007): "Mars en Arctique: Simulation d'une mission spatiale sur Mars, au coeur de l'ile Devon"/"Mars in the Arctic: Simulation of a space mission on Mars, in the heart of Devon Island." Documentary series web site. URL: http://www.terresarctiques.tv/#fr_01_11_04. Last accessed October 30, 2007.
- Wataire Press Release (6 September 2007): "Wataire's Technology Utilized on the Mars Society Mission". Last accessed September 12, 2007. URL: http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070906005390&newsLang=en
- Mars Daily (5 September 2007): "Scientists And Space Enthusiasts Share Vision For Mars". Last accessed September 5, 2007. URL: http://www.marsdaily.com/reports/Scientists_And_Space_Enthusiasts_Share_Vision_For_Mars_999.html
- Slashdot.org (22 August 2007): "Crew Ends 100 Day Mars Simulation in Arctic". Last accessed August 22, 2007. URL: http://science.slashdot.org/science/07/08/22/1537222.shtml
- Wired Science Blog (21 August 2007): "Four Month Mars Simulation in Canadian Arctic Ends Today". Last accessed August 21, 2007. URL: http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/08/four-month-mars.html
- MSNBC Cosmic Log (20 August 2007): "Return From Arctic Mars". Last accessed August 20, 2007. URL: http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/08/20/325220.aspx
- Voice of America (31 July 2007): "US-Canadian team on 4-month simulated Mars mission". Last accessed 31 July 2007. URL: http://www.voanews.com/english/AmericanLife/2007-07-31-voa38.cfm
- MonPif.ca. "Une mission très spéciale!" Last Accessed 1 August 2007. URL: http://www.monpif.ca/p.aspx?p=xPLMmAQGAAdOBw__
- University of Colorado at Boulder Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department. "Historic 4-Month Arctic Mars Mission Reaches Midpoint; Crew to Switch to Mars Time". Last accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://www.colorado.edu/aerospace/about/news/flashline.html
- University of New Brunswick Press Release (16 July 2007): "Historic 4-Month Arctic Mars Mission Reaches Midpoint: Crew to Switch to Mars Time" Last Accessed 2 August 2007. URL: http://www.unb.ca/news/view.cgi?id=1333
- Frozen Sun Weblog - 2007: Viewing the International Heliophysical Year and International Polar Year from Space (30 June 2007): "Crew of seven pursuing Mars exploration knowledge from high Canadian Arctic during long duration simulated mission". Last Accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://blogs.seds.org/frozensun/entry/crew_of_seven_pursuing_mars
- L'Echo des Auclair, Association des Auclair d'Amérique (May 2007), Issue 32: "Simon Auclair: sur la Terre comme sur Mars".
- NASA Watch (21 May 2007): "Flat Gorby on Ice". Last accessed 19 July 2007. URL: http://www.nasawatch.com/archives/2007/05/flat_gorby_on_i.html
- Interview with Melissa Battler on Space Channel.TV (April 22 2007) Last accessed 5 August 2007. URL: http://www.spacechannel.tv/newsroom/interviews.php
- The Universe and Alumni News, ISU - International Space University (March 2007), Issue 17. Available online, last accessed 1 August 2007. URL: http://www.isunet.edu/index.php?option=com_contentandtask=blogcategoryandid=116andItemid=249
- Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (?? August 2007): "Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew". Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to Canadian Space Society/Mars Society Canada/public, Toronto, Canada
- Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (?? August 2007): "Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew". Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to Nasa Ames Acacemy, Moffet Field, California
- Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (9 August 2007): "Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew". Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to Science Alive, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
- Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (8 August 2007): "Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew". Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to Worlds UNBound, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (2 August 2007): "Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew". Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to International Space School, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (31 July 2007): "Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew". Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via MSN to Iqualuit Science Camp, Iqualuit, Nunavut, Canada.
- Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (19 July 2007): "Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew". Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to 'Les petits débrouillards - du conseil des loisirs scientifiques de l'Outaouais' at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, Québec, Canada.
- Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (16 July 2007): "Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew". Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to Mad Science Ottawa at Université du Québec en Outaouais, Québec, Canada.
- Bamsey, M. (16 April 2007): "Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Long Duration Mission". Presentation to the Space Science Department, Canadian Space Agency, St. Hubert, Quebec, Canada.
- Bywaters, K. (9 April 2007): "Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station: A Mars Analogue" Community Learning Center, MiraCosta College, Oceanside, CA.
- Kobrick, R.L. (4 April 2007): "Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Crew 11 Long Duration Mission: F-XI LDM and Lunar Dust Mitigation" Graduate Teacher Program Research Presentation Series, Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO.
- Battler, M.M. (30 March 2007): "On to Mars: My Journey so far". Presentation to the Almaguin High school science classes, in Almaguin, Ontario, Canada.
- Kobrick, R.L. and Battler, M.M. (27 March 2007): "Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Long Duration Mission: F-XI LDM" Presentation to the Toronto East York Community Council, Toronto, Ontario. Received a letter of greeting from Mayor David Miller. (More information about event: http://www.fmars2007.org/blog/?p=13)
- Kobrick, R.L. (13 February 2007): "Expedition Mars Analogue Training Series at MDRS and Preview of FMARS2007" Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences Bioastronautics Group, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO.
Special Thanks
