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FMARS 2007 Crew Reports & Photos

April 2007
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May 2007
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June 2007
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July 2007
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August 2007
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Summary Report - May 2007
Biweekly Summary Report - June 15, 2007
Biweekly Summary Report - June 29, 2007
Biweekly Summary Report - July 14, 2007
Biweekly Summary Report - July 28, 2007
Biweekly Summary Report - August 10, 2007
Final Mission Report - August 22, 2007
Earth/Mars Time Converter (thanks to Steven Winikoff)

FMARS 2007 Crew Reports - Commander's Check-In

Melissa Battler, Commander

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - Crew Physical Status: Good, even more tired, even busier.

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: N/A (Although several of us joined the Devon Island Polar Bear Club and went swimming in icy cold Cornell Lake today! It was absolutely exhilarating!)

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: N/A

EVA Data/Interpretations: N/A

Hab Maintenance: Inventorying, packing.

Report Transmission Schedule: [21:00] Engineering Report

[23:30] Hab Inventory (or tomorrow); Final Bi-weekly Summary Report (or tomorrow)

Plans for Tomorrow: Talk to Astronaut Clay Anderson, in orbit aboard ISS! Then finish lab work, report writing, packing, and cleaning.

Inventory: Inventories almost complete.

Support Requested: None, but note that this may be my FINAL Commander's Check-In from FMARS. I'd like to THANK YOU ALL for all the help and support you've given us over the past 4 months, as well as during the several months of planning leading up to the mission. We COULD NOT have accomplished our mission goals nearly as successfully without your help. Again, THANK YOU on behalf of the crew, to our incredible support team!

Miscellaneous: Our Mars Ed event with NASA Ames Academy went very well today. It was great to see Chris and Artemis, as well as several other friends, and the event went well. On Thursday the first 3 crew members will depart Devon for Resolute, with the remaining 4 departing on Friday. We will then fly to LA for the Mars Society Convention, via Ottawa.

All of today's reports and media...

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